Jan 2023

In the first month of the new year, I was still organizing review notes at tortoise speed and feeling lazy. But I also learned something new.

Changed blog theme again

I changed blog theme to Minos in order to add the English and Chinese language options, and finally succeeded after some tinkering! And for my own aesthetic, I slightly modified the appearance. Then I found that when I clicked on the cell phone to change the language, the drop-down menu was blocked by the navigation bar. I thought of various solutions, and finally the complete display was achieved by changing the layout, so I organized it into a GitHub repository for Chinese users to use directly. .

Then I found a problem again: after opening the navigation bar for articles in the config, when you read articles, the English version displayed the subheadings normally, but the Chinese was garbled. This legacy problem has not been solved yet, so for the time being, I changed it to this: English version has the navigation bar, while no such thing in Chinese version 😬.

Using Linux

I found a great tutorial: Linux 101, which was written by the Linux community at USTC. Successfully used Linux and passionately sent an email to join the community and see the genius guys in it! I currently finished learning the first three chapters.

About machine learning

I went back to Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning videos and left freecodecamp 🤣. Freecodecamp’s tutorials are very practical, knocking the code directly, but it’s too fast, while Andrew Ng is just the opposite. Well, I think if you are not in a hurry, it’s better to watch Andrew Ng’s videos first to understand the principles. Currently I just finished “P92 16.3 Integration”.

When reviewing DIA, I found an article that explains the BP algorithm.

I saw a post on machine learning concepts.

Started drawing the PCB

To be precise, I just started to draw the schematic. I’ve only used Altium Designer before, but now I need to use Cadence, and I checked the difference between the two, it seems that Altium Designer is easy to get started and has limited performance, while Cadence is more difficult and powerful.

I also saw a good blog: Cadence usage and drawing board skills related.

Didn’t learn the language

But I got a Japanese class for next semester! Niceヽ(゚▽゚)ノ

Drawing Schematics in OrCAD Capture CIS Operating Files in Linux


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