Adaptive Filters

I watched a well organized and concise YouTube video about adaptive filters, which is the focus of an important course I am taking this semester, Digital Signal Processing II.

Limitations of fixed-coefficient digital filters

  • Fixed-coefficient digital filters
    • FIR, IIR
    • LP, HP, etc
  • Limitations
    • Time-varying noise-frequency
    • Overlapping bands of signal and noise

Adaptive filters

  • 2 main components
    • Digital filter (with adjustable coefficients)
    • Adaptive algorithm
  • 2 input signals: $y_k$ and $x_k$
    • $y_k = s_k + n_k$
    • $s_k$ = desired signal
    • $n_k$ = noise
    • $x_k$ = contaminating signal which is correlated with $n_k$, gives an estimate of $n_k$, i.e. $\hat{n_k}$
  • Goal: produce optimum $\hat{n_k}$
    • $e_k = \hat{s_k} = y_k - \hat{n_k} = s_k + n_k - \hat{n_k}$
  • Theorem: minimize $e_k$, maximize the signal-to-noise ratio

LMS algorithm

Wiener filter

  • An input signal w(n) is convolved w ith the Wiener filter g(n) and the result is compared to a reference signal s(n) to obtain the filtering error e(n)
  • Criterion: MMSE (Minimum Mean Square Error)
    • Minimize $J = E[e(n)^2] = E[(x(n) - s(n))^2] = E[(w(n) * g(n) - s(n))^2]$
    • J can be used to draw the Error-Performance surface
  • The Least mean squares filter converges to the Wiener filter

Wiener-Hopf solution

Set gradient of J of H to zero, deduced that
$H_{opt} = R_{xx}^{-1} R_{xs}$

$R_{xx} = E(X_k X_k^T)$
$R_{xs} = E(y_k X_k)$

  • Requires knowledge of $R_{xx}, R_{xs}$
  • Matrix inversion is expensive
  • For non-stationary, $H_{opt}$ needs to be computed repeatedly

LMS adaptive algorithm

Version 1: $H(n+1) = H(n) + \mu (- \nabla(n))$
Version 2: $H(n+1) = H(n) + \frac{1}{2}\delta (- \nabla(n))$

$H(n+1) = H(n) + 2\mu e(n)X(n)$
or $H(n+1) = H(n) + \delta e(n)X(n)$

$e(n) = y(n) - H^T(n)X(n)$
$\mu$ and $\delta$ are step-sizes

  • Based on the steepest descent algorithm (update H(n) along the opposite direction of the gradient):
    $H(n+1) = H(n) + \mu (- \nabla(n))$
  • Using instantaneous estimates instead of the means (unbiased):
    $J = E[e(n)^2] = e(n)^2$
    $\nabla(n) = -2\mu E[e(n)X(n)] = -2\mu e(n)X(n)$
  • Step-size determines stablility and rate of convergence
    • If too large, too much fluctuation
    • If too small, convergences too slow


  • If the noise is non-stationary, the error-performance surface will change rapidly
  • If $x(n)$ is proportional to $y(n)$, signal will be obliterated
  • H(n) never reached the theoretical optimum (fluctuation)


  • Acoustic echo cancellation
  • Cancelling EOG from contaminated EEG and get correct EEG
  • Cancelling maternal ECG and get foetal ECG during labour


YouTube Video

Adaptive Filters

Course Home Page

Digital Signal Processing II

Basic MATLAB (very basic) Intro to Git & GitHub


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